2024 Results:
In 2024, we almost sold out! Lots of rain of Saturday night and Sunday affected our beautiful festival, but we still sold 1875 tickets!
2024: Congratulations to lucky ticket #601 Mark & Carol from Sarasota!! Mark decided to take the cash – so he is a $35,000 winner!!

2023 Results:
What an amazing year we had in 2023, we SOLD OUT again!! 2000 tickets were sold!
Grand prize winner was #1937 Brad C from Bradenton and he was there during the drawing!! HE CHOSE TO TAKE THE SUV!! CONGRATULATIONS BRAD!!
2nd prize went to #763 Wendy Q from Bradenton!!
3rd prize went to #768 Suzy B from Sarasota!! Congratulations to ALL!!!

Our 2023 Early-Bird ticket was drawn on December 19, 2022 at 1230pm, Andrew S. of Sarasota was the winner! Congratulations Andrew!
2022 Results:
2022 Glendi Raffle results: For the first time in over 20 years, our raffle sold out of tickets! Our lucky winner of the grand prize is Rachel from Sarasota! Here is what Rachel had to say:
“Hi this is Rachel, the grand prize raffle winner at last year’s Glendi. I went to the festival to celebrate Greek culture, food, music, and dancing, not knowing there’d be a raffle. Decided to enter at the last minute (who wouldn’t want to win a Mercedes?), never thinking I’d win, but knowing the donation would go to a great cause. Well I DID win, and it turned into a weekend I never could have dreamed of. I chose to take the SUV, and am beyond happy, and even more thankful to St. Barbara’s Church! Thank you to all who work so hard to make this celebration possible!”

Here is what our GRAND PRIZE winner Rachel had to say – she chose the Mercedes-Benz:
Follow this link to see the Facebook Live video drawing the winners: https://www.facebook.com/carol.bourbe/videos/1023027221642001/?d=n